"But seek first the Kingdom and His , and all these things will be added unto you". Matthew 6:33
Don’t live on yesterday’s manna. (Gods provision of yesterday). Taste and see that the Lord is good! God is our bread of life, His words are supernatural and have the ability to change hearts and lives!!!
God gives us what we need for when we need it everyday.
God told His people the Israelites not to take more than what they needed of Manna; that he would supply exactly what they needed everyday. Yet, there were those who didn’t trust God and tried to take more than what God gave. They grumbled and tried to hoard the manna. They did not believe or trust God as their provider.
We may feel more comfortable looking to the past at what God has done because we can see what he did after he’s done it. When we look forward we must trust that God will continue leading us to where we need to be. We can not see where he is leading; It takes faith.
There is a societal pressure and in culture to try and preserve your outer beauty; your youth. So much, that it has become the norm for most women to feel pressured into buying the latest gimmick or fountain of youth. There are all kinds of creams that promise a youthful glow! But our exteriors are rotting away. Our physical bodies are dying. But God has given us His son, the bread of life so that we would not be cursed to death forever.
God’s bread, His word we need everyday. And just how God provided for his people in the desert with manna, so God will feed us and give us new strength everyday through His word.
Taste and see that the Lord is good. Taste everyday God’s word- let it fill your spirit to overflowing so that you may go back and feast some more!
We cannot live on yesterday. We must be present in today. God is moving and he is doing exciting things. Don’t turn around to look at what he has done but look forward to see what he is doing!! Don’t look back to see what you think you’ve lost but look forward to see what God is restoring!! He is always present, in the present.
God speaks a promise into our heart. But we lose heart and faith because it doesn’t come to pass in our timing. Look at Abraham and Sara, Noah, etc...
Our God is not constrained by time nor does he make his deductions based on it. God is outside of time and completely outside of our understanding.
By His divine power God has given us all that we need...
Believing that God is providing even when we don’t see it happening. Standing on his word means believing Him; that God will do what he said he is going to do!! He does love you- he has not forgotten you; He never breaks his promises. He will provide light at the end of the dark tunnel. Trust him. Believe Him. Be still and know He is God. Keep walking. Keep moving. Keep seeking. Keep trusting. Keep praying. Keep pressing in. Keep declaring. Don’t give up. Don’t give in!
