The promises of God are like seeds. So many times we give up on His promises before they have had a chance to take root and grow. We become weary in the waiting. We start doubting that we even heard His voice to begin with. We may feel the promise He gave to be so fragile, that instead of faithfully planting the seed we try and tuck it away to keep it safe. But seeds weren't meant to be hidden; seeds were meant to be planted in our hearts and watered by our faithfulness.
In Proverbs 13:12 it reads: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". Let us stay strong in the promises of God knowing that His timing is always perfect. Let us not grow weary in the waiting for we know that God will bring forth His promises when the time is right. REMEMBER: The oak tree is already in the acorn, we just need to be faithful with the seed.
